It’s adamantine to believe, but continued acquaintance has accomplished us that there are accomplished battalions of bodies for whom alacrity is a nonissue. Discerning, car-savvy people. With a agog eye for fit, finish, and materials. An automated designer’s acknowledgment of ergonomics. A cautiously acquainted faculty of ride quality. But 0-to-60 mph? Hey, what’s your hurry?
If you see yourself reflected in this mirror, and you’re a applicant for a mid-size ancestors ride, this new Legacy 2.5i should be on your list. It’s quiet, it’s roomy, it looks acceptable (in a mid-size all-encompassing way), it’s accurately accomplished within, and as always, all-wheel drive is allotment of the deal. Alacrity is not.
If you see yourself reflected in this mirror, and you’re a applicant for a mid-size ancestors ride, this new Legacy 2.5i should be on your list. It’s quiet, it’s roomy, it looks acceptable (in a mid-size all-encompassing way), it’s accurately accomplished within, and as always, all-wheel drive is allotment of the deal. Alacrity is not.
In the past, buyers Legacy have to sacrifice fuel economy and rear seat space when choosing it over another medium sedan. The redesigned 2010 model addresses both concerns, making it a real competitor in its class. Unfortunately, high fuel economy is only equipped with a CVT.
Standard AWD, front, rear area and accommodations, CVT combined rating of 26 mpg, 265-horsepower GT package.
Standard AWD, front, rear area and accommodations, CVT combined rating of 26 mpg, 265-horsepower GT package.

CVT CVT still, but this one is one of the best examples we have encouraged. Although a good amount of body roll, turbocharged GT has a sporty attitude.

Outside, the latest Legacy looks familiar. There’s aloof abundant change to admit a faculty of newness, choleric by the alert administration accepted in this bourgeois class. It gets bigger inside, area alike this entry-end car is furnished with high-quality materials, from amateur to dashboard to aperture panels to the bolt bench upholstery. We were absent by the all-encompassing use of ablaze artificial trim—instead of artificial bulge there is artificial aluminum—but in accepted this autogenous is classy.
Dynamically, there are no surprises, decidedly of the abhorrent variety. The Legacy’s apathetic advanced advance is akin by brief responses we’d characterize as cautious, with an casual agitation on aciculate bumps active through the contrarily solid unibody. Like best mid-size, mid-price sedans, accelerating understeer is the defining activating trait, the accommodation for ride affection aces of a Buick.
Dynamically, there are no surprises, decidedly of the abhorrent variety. The Legacy’s apathetic advanced advance is akin by brief responses we’d characterize as cautious, with an casual agitation on aciculate bumps active through the contrarily solid unibody. Like best mid-size, mid-price sedans, accelerating understeer is the defining activating trait, the accommodation for ride affection aces of a Buick.

Engine Type Gas Flat 4-Cyl
Transfer 2.5L/150
Fuel System MPFI
SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM 170 @ 5600
SAE Net Torque @ RPM 170 @ 4000
Wheelbase 108.3 in
Length, Overall 186.4 in
Width, Max w / o mirrors at 71.7
Height, Overall 59.3 in
Track Width, Front 61.6 in
Track Width, Rear 61.8 in
Min Ground Clearance 5.9 in
High Liftover N / A
Wheelbase 108.3 in
Length, Overall 186.4 in
Width, Max w / o mirrors at 71.7
Height, Overall 59.3 in
Track Width, Front 61.6 in
Track Width, Rear 61.8 in
Min Ground Clearance 5.9 in
High Liftover N / A
Fuel tank
Fuel Tank Capacity, Approximately 18.5 gal
Fuel Tank Capacity aux, Approximately N / A gal
Fuel Tank Capacity, Approximately 18.5 gal
Fuel Tank Capacity aux, Approximately N / A gal
Passenger Capacity 5
Passenger volume 103.0 ³ FTA
Front Head Room 40.3 in
Front leg room at 43.0
Front Shoulder Room 56.3 in
Front Hip Room N / A
Second Head Room 37.5 in
Second Leg Room 37.8 in
Second Shoulder Room 56.1 in
Second Hip Room N / A
Passenger Capacity 5
Passenger volume 103.0 ³ FTA
Front Head Room 40.3 in
Front leg room at 43.0
Front Shoulder Room 56.3 in
Front Hip Room N / A
Second Head Room 37.5 in
Second Leg Room 37.8 in
Second Shoulder Room 56.1 in
Second Hip Room N / A
EPA Fuel Economy Est - Hwy 27 MPG
Cruising Range - City 351.50 mi
EPA Fuel Economy Est - City 19 MPG
Est-Combined Fuel Economy 22 MPG
Cruising Range - Hwy 499.50 mi
EPA Fuel Economy Est - Hwy 27 MPG
Cruising Range - City 351.50 mi
EPA Fuel Economy Est - City 19 MPG
Est-Combined Fuel Economy 22 MPG
Cruising Range - Hwy 499.50 mi
Steering Type Pwr Rack & wings
Steering Ratio, the overall N / A
Lock to Lock It turns out (Steering) 8.2
Turning diameter - curb to Restrict 36.8 ft
Turning Diameter - Wall to Wall 38.7 ft
Steering Type Pwr Rack & wings
Steering Ratio, the overall N / A
Lock to Lock It turns out (Steering) 8.2
Turning diameter - curb to Restrict 36.8 ft
Turning Diameter - Wall to Wall 38.7 ft
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